How do I create a Support Portal or Knowledge Base account?

You must create an account and be authorized in order to access the Support Portal to create and manage tickets or in order to access the Knowledge Base to view most help articles and to download Data Dynamics software.

  1. Go to or or
  2. Fill out the "Create an Account" form and click "Request Account".
    1. Create an Account-1
  3. You will receive an email confirming your request to create an account:
    1. Account Requested Customer Email
  4. Our Customer Support team will review your submission, validate you are a customer and activate the account.  Please allow up to 24 hours for this to be processed.
  5. You will then receive an email confirming your account has been given access:
    1. Complete Account Setup Email
  6. Please click on the button in that email to set up your password.
    1. Set up Password Customer Email
  7. You will receive another email confirming your password has been saved.  You may click the "Sign in" button to sign in.
    1. Password Saved Email 
    2. Customer Sign In
    3. This will take you to the Customer Portal from which you can view tickets, create tickets and access the Knowledge Base.
  8. Bookmark the Customer Portal and/or the Knowledge Base in your browser.